ANKI Flash Card: learn how to use it and boost your memory
Are you studying for university, work or something else? Check out how the ANKI flash card can help you prepare during your studies.
Decide what content you want to study, whether it’s a language, specific vocabulary, mathematical formulas or historical concepts. The app will help you!
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What are Anki flashcards?
Anki revolutionizes learning by using a spaced repetition algorithm to optimize information retention.
Through personalized flashcards, you study efficiently and productively, overcoming the limits of traditional memory.
How Anki works
Anki adapts to your learning pace, adjusting the interval between revisions of the flashcards to ensure that you revise the material at the ideal time for memorization.
You can create flashcards with text, images, sounds and even code, adapting the content to the way you learn.
Actively answer the questions on the flashcards, reinforcing neural connections and consolidating knowledge in long-term memory.
Study anywhere, anytime, with Anki available for various operating systems.
Benefits of using Anki
The main advantages are:
- memorizing complex information more easily and quickly,
- focus and motivation during studies;
- personalization of the content studied, from texts to sounds and more.
How to make a traditional flashcard
First of all, choose a topic to study.
Use card paper or online tools. On each card, write a question on one side and the answer on the other.
Get creative! Use colors, images, diagrams or any resource that makes it easier to remember. Agreed?
Use spaced repetition techniques, such as the Leitner method, to revise your flashcards at the ideal time for memorization.
Initially, start reviewing the cards more frequently and space out the reviews as you master the content.
Download Anki flashcards
You can download them for use on your computer/notebook via Anki Web, or on your cell phone: just search for the Anki app in your app store.
Finally, understand that success with flashcards depends on your discipline and creativity.
Therefore, invest time in creating the cards, revise them frequently and customize the process to suit your learning style.

Sofia Maria
Journalist. We believe that reading education and career information is a valuable tool for personal and professional development.