The difference between a synopsis and a summary: learn it easily
What’s the difference between a synopsis and a summary? Find out throughout the content to make your life easier.
When faced with long texts, such as books, articles or films, the need for a quick understanding of the content becomes crucial.
It is in this context that the synopsis and summary present themselves as valuable tools, but with important differences that must be considered.
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What is a synopsis?
The synopsis provides an overview of the content, highlighting the main elements of the story or the topic being covered.
In a way, it presents the main characters, the central conflict and the resolution of the plot, without revealing important details of the narrative.
The main aim is to attract the reader’s interest and encourage them to explore the whole work.
Examples of synopses
Book synopses on covers, movie descriptions on streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and others.
How to make or write a synopsis
When writing, it should arouse the reader’s curiosity about the main character and their conflicts, through a brief description and the dilemma they are facing or going through.
Present the main conflict of the plot, but without revealing the outcome. To do this, create a web of riddles that excite the reader’s imagination and make them eager to watch or read something.
What is a summary?
The summary presents the most relevant points of the original text, condensing the main ideas and information. It’s not about rewriting!
Be careful! The summary must be faithful to the original content, preserving the sequence and the author’s points of view.
Also be aware that it can be longer than the synopsis, but still concise, focusing on the essential points of the text.
The main aim is to inform the reader about the main content of the text, allowing them to assimilate the ideas quickly.
Examples of summaries
Summaries of scientific articles, movie summaries, book summaries and news summaries.
How to make or write a summary
To write a summary, read the original text carefully and identify the main ideas. Then write a concise text that presents these ideas, without irrelevant details.
Use your own words, but stay true to the original content. Proofread the summary to ensure clarity, cohesion and fidelity to the original text.
Difference between synopsis and summary
Find out more:
SYNOPSIS = To attract the reader’s interest + More concise
SUMMARY = To inform the reader about the content + More extensive
The difference between attracting and informing readers
Attracting and informing the reader are two sides of the same coin in communication, but with different objectives and strategies.
Attracting the reader means captivating their attention right from the start, arousing their curiosity and interest in the content. To do this, it is essential to use an eye-catching title, an engaging introduction and clear, concise language.
Informing the reader, on the other hand, consists of clearly and objectively conveying relevant information on a given subject.
ATTRACT = attract attention
INFORM = transmit information
A synopsis is like a map, giving an overview of the terrain and the main points of interest. A summary is like a tourist guide, detailing the characteristics and history of each point of interest.
Did you understand the difference between a synopsis and a summary?
By mastering the art of synthesis and understanding the differences between a synopsis and a summary, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the world of information and get the most out of every text you read.

Sofia Maria
Journalist. We believe that reading education and career information is a valuable tool for personal and professional development.